
Hear from our past


Tell Us Your Story

All of our custom songs begin the same way, with you! We start by talking to you and understanding your story, who the gift is for, what the occasion is, and more. Depending on the situation, our initial meeting has been enough to begin work on your custom music gift project. We’ll want to know what genre and style of song you’re looking for. Our talented artists can create custom music in a variety of popular genres. Contact Us now to get started!

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We Craft Your Song

Over the next several days, our artist will craft your story and other details into the perfect heartfelt gift. However, we understand your desire to be involved in the creative process, and we give you regular updates throughout the songwriting process. During this phase, we allow you to provide feedback to make the final product truly special.

You’ll receive regular updates throughout the process, keeping you informed of our progress and allowing you to provide feedback at various stages.


Once the lyrics are complete, your artist will work on creating a melody that works with the lyrics, occasion, and story behind the song, resulting in a unique and special gift that will be cherished forever. Finally, our artist records & produces the song, ensuring professional quality and production value. Once complete, your custom music gift is ready to share.


Our artists record the song with professional quality, ensuring it sounds perfect.


After the creation is complete, we’ll deliver the song to you with a private audio and video link that can easily be shared with your friends and family!
You can also receive a digital download of your song(T&C apply). For special occasions such as weddings, we can also arrange for a live performance of the song either in-person or via live stream. Also, we can help you prepare a live performance at your wedding in case you wish to sing your song live!


We produce a professionally edited video that accompanies your song, adding a visual element to the experience. This could include photos, video clips, and lyrics displayed on screen.


We encourage you to share the song with friends and family. Capture the recipient’s reaction and let us know how the gift was received – we love hearing these stories!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make an order?

Simply head to the bottom of any page or our contact page and fill out the contact or song request form. We’ll get back to you quickly to begin the information-gathering process for your custom song. 

With a music request, you get a custom song and a simple lyric video to follow the music. With Music + Video, we take the images and video you provide us and edit a complete music video to accompany the song.

The creative process is different for every client, but we work quickly and keep you informed of progress the whole way, so you’ll never have radio silence from us. 

That’s okay. We can create a custom song for any reason; just let us know everything we need to know about your needs. Surprise custom songs are always a hit!

Yes, to a degree. We keep you informed about the creation process and give you opportunities for feedback and changes at several points throughout the process.

You’ll be involved in the creative process from an early stage, where you can help mold the song into what you want it to be. There is a point in the process where incorporating feedback is more difficult and time-consuming. Still, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to incorporate changes and feedback early on.

We are constantly expanding and taking on new creative talent when needed. Send us your work via the contact page or follow us on social media to see when we are actively recruiting new talent. 

You’ll have regular updates throughout the process and be able to give your thoughts and feedback, including during lyric creation.

Contact Us

So many special people have made special one’s special day better with song